Double vanity Conversion

Published on 25 August 2023 at 17:01

Old sink to new Cabinet


Tools used:

-Bosh screw gun/ circular saw

-Kreg rip-cut

-Bostitch nail gun

-Small square


First we need to take all the hardware, doors off and draws out.  Then we will need to cut the horizontal supports.  This will create a bigger opening.  

Now I wanted to change the depth and height of the vanity. I'll do this on the circular saw with a Kreg guide. 

After that is complete, I cut out where the 2x4 is going to go. This will add stability to the cabinet.  I made sure to glue all new and existing wood.  

I also added a 2x3 to the bottom for additional mounting support. I did reuse the 1/4" plywood that was on the back.  I reglued and nailed it in place.  


Preparation for paint: 

I sanded the whole cabinet inside and out along with the doors.  After the sanding was complete, I removed all the dust and taped the areas I didn't want to paint.


Paint and hang part 2:

I applied two coats of primer. I made sure to allow for dry time between coats. Finally applied the final coat.  After it was dry, I was able to hang the vanity as a cabinet.  Because it was a long cabinet, I added a cleat to the wall to assist the hanging process.  Keep in mind that I predrilled all mounting holes and preinstalled the screws.  


Now it is time to add holes for the shelf and mount the doors back on.


This was a great/cheap way to add more storage.


YouTube video 

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